How to keep the blaze away from your apartment

Blog » Apartment Living

Flat for sale in Dhaka
January 7, 2020 Apartment Living

Safety is one of the prime concerns of a homeowner besides location, price, and convenience. However, one safety issue that gets overlooked most of the time is fire safety. Especially, during winter the risk of fire hazards increases. It’s important to keep in mind that whenever you go looking for apartments for sale in Dhaka, make sure the building has proper fire fighting features. For current homeowners, it is important to be conscious of these issues and spread awareness amongst your neighbors to help keep the building as fire-safe as possible.


Making a plan in case there’s a fire and informing your neighbors

It is imperative that you make a plan to escape in case of an emergency. The most effective method would be to make a detailed plan, communicate and train with your neighbors. This ensures that in cases of emergency, everybody knows how to act in the given situation. Conduct fire drills, make an easy-to-follow checklist and distribute them among everyone, and hang posters in easy to see locations.


Take modern firefighting measures (Use of fire detection devices)

Technology has made significant developments in the fire safety sector. Modern apartments for sale in Dhaka usually have safety measures installed in the buildings, for example, fire hydrants and fire hose reels. Additional measures like battery-operated smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, sprinklers, etc need to be installed in ready flats. Keep in mind, that all of these devices require servicing from time to time. If they fall into disrepair, it will prove to be useless in the time of need. For your own peace of mind, always make sure to service/repair the alarm.

Apartment for sale in dhaka

Be ready for emergencies

Personal measures like keeping a disaster-ready go-bag equipped with essential supplies like food, fire blankets, first-aid kits, flashlights, important documents, etc. Keep the bag in an easily accessible location; in case of a major fire accident, it will be a lifesaver for you and your loved ones. Another measure you can take is using wet blankets to cover your face to reduce the intake of harmful gases during a fire. These small measures can be the difference between life and death.

In case situations like this arise, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Winters are known to have the most frequents fires, so it is imperative to make sure that you practice these safety measures and inform those around you.